mux profile picture

Website guide

Click on the headlines to return to the last page.
The dates are all written in day.month.year
Links are written in italics.

Things I like

drawing, no AI "art" | video games | animanga | music


  • make a website
  • tags for blog entries
  • update my gallery page
  • RSS Feed

My socials, if you follow me please write me so I can follow back :p

website related: about me | gallery | photos | guestbook!!! | changelog


social media: Twitter | YouTube | Pinterest

games: Steam | Backloggd | osu!

anime | movies | music: Anilist | Letterboxd |


my blog is completely random and I'm just ranting about anything

I completely forgot about the 1 year anniversary of the creation of my website, whoops.
Well a little history lesson. I created this site on the 28th of February 2024 after seeing a post from Dimden on twitter announcing the release of nekoweb. It was around that time when I discovered toggl track which I use to track the time I spend working on this site.
I showed this data in a very early blog post from the 26 May 2024 called "a website review" after three months of working on it, and I want to show it again now at the one year mark (one year and two days to be precise). You can see that I completely stopped working on the site from august to september and that I spent nearly 20 hours in may alone with a total of 81 hours over the whole year. You can also see the different pages I worked on from most to least time spent.
