about me


Hello, my name is mux but you can also find me under the name MangoMux/mangomux on some platforms. I'm a German student not knowing what to do with my life. This site is a blog and an archive for my drawings and photos. I write about completely random things on my blog called Tagtraum (German for daydream). I don't draw nearly as much as I would like but when I have something it gets posted to the gallery. The website is of course also just a place where I can do whatever I want. I'm still a complete newbie when it comes to coding both html and css.

There are a few more things that interest me like pen spinning, mechanical keyboards (I don't have one yet), music production, video, and photography, coding, and PCs in general but I'm only starting into those.

My setup is like the opposite of nice, my PC is the Lenovo ThinkCentre M910q Tiny with some random LG monitor, and the MK540 ADVANCED a Bluetooth membrane keyboard. My website is hosted on nekoweb and built with VScode. That's all and don't forget to sign my guestbook.

Here are some very cool websites you can check out, you can also link my button! Click on my button to copy the code.

sites I haven't found a button for:
manuelmoreale.com | so1o.xyz | greenteareader

my button

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