


little css changes


new blog entry | some changes to the stairs and star background


added cool moving stars to all pages | fixed some "bugs" | added stairs


updated photos + gallery page | new art and some old added | new blog entry


index page changed | new blog entry | added nekogif


new blog | gallery page updated + 2 new artworks


deleted the blog page, and named my blog Tagtraum, all post are now being shown on the index page | updated the about me page


new font (Inconsolata) | index page (added cat) and about me page updated


new blog | changed links css


new blog | tweaked some css


new blog | fixed the buttons on the index page | added more "buttons"


new blog and it's my first review, it also looks really cool check it out | repaired the random blog javascript


added a photos page | new button


changed the index and blog page again | every header changed | deleted games and anime page


new blog post | completly overhold the blog page | little changes to the index page


adding transitions to links


new blog post


I despair of the tags for the blog page


Index, about me, blog page cleanup | removed literally half my css code for my index page because it didn't even do anything


new blog post | changelog now looks nicer and works better on mobile | general cleanup


updated blog page | added GoatCounter | added privacy policy page | cleanup on blog entries


I'm back! | added a music page | new blog post


new blog post


new sketch | new blog post | added a mail address


new sketch


new blog post


anime review page | new cursor | new blog post


little tweaks and fixes


art archive is now the gallery and looks cooler


my button is now also dark


added two easter eggs


splash text is now better | added website stats thanks to Max | each blog post now has their own subpage | cleanup on all pages


website is now mostly dark mode | minor cleanup on all pages | added splash-text


ADDED AN GUESTBOOK!!! | Dark mode was just not working so I completely removed it | Trying a dark color scheme (just dark mode)


About Me page added | dark mode is back but It still isn't working properly


BIG UPDATE (not really), but the text on the home page is now cool centered and adapts to the width of the browser


removed dark mode (i'm to stupid to make it work properly) :( | I can't center text, what is this brooooooooooooo


video games page restored


added dark mode


new drawing


more fixing again | new post


more fixing


my grammar in my writing was horrific, so I improved it


cleaned up the home page | new blog post | new art!!! | new button


added my blog posts to the home page | redesigned the blog archive page


completly destroyed the video games page and I'm to bad at coding to fix it :p | cool transition to the home page


small changes to the home page


changes to the video game and archive pages


drastic changes on the home page | minor changes to all pages


added blog page


added website progress page


added anime and video games page


added art archive


site is up
